15 May 2007

Lou Dobbs incorrectly asserts that immigrants are bringing leprosy into the U.S.

Watch out, your nose might fall off. Or worse. At least that's what CNN's Lou Dobbs would like you to think if we don't do more to keep illegal immigrants out of this country.

But seriously, first of all, I want to say upfront that I don't hold a singular opinion on immigration. I hold several. It's too complex an issue to simplify in the way that so many officials and pundits would like to.

That said, I have a real problem with Lou Dobbs' recent erroneous assertion that immigrants are bringing leprosy into the U.S.

Dobbs' statement has been proven incorrect. But some people who haven't heard the truth will likely belive that they will be exposed to leprosy because we don't have a fence to keep the brown people from spilling across the Rio Grande. (I'm guessing that Dobbs isn't blaming any Canadians for the leprosy.)

For a thorough, well-qualified debunking of Dobbs' xenophobic assertions, check out this piece from AlterNet: CNN's Lou Dobbs Defends Claim That Illegal Immigrants Are Bringing Leprosy to America

Is Dobbs so short on real immigration-reform arguments that he has to resort to twisting the medical facts?

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