30 October 2007

Bushies grant immunity to Blackwater war criminals

It's not enough that we invaded and still occupy Iraq, a country that posed no threat to us, in violation of the UN Security Council and international law.

It's not enough that the Bushies used lies to try to justify it:

- Weapons of mass destruction.

- Ties to 9/11.

- Yellowcake from Niger.

All false, but only to those of us who have bothered to check the facts against the White House spin.

It's not enough that we've lost over 3,800 U.S. troops in Iraq to date (and countless innocent Iraq men, women, and children), for Bush's illegal war of aggression. Blood for oil. And armor is for sissies.

It's not enough that those things took resources away from finding the real threat: Osama bin Laden

And it's not enough that all this has turned the world against us more and more each day. George W. Bush is Osama bin Laden's poster boy for the al-Qaeda recruiting program.

No, all that isn't enough.

Bush also has to protect his henchmen. So, even though the Blackwater contractors in Iraq have established a consistent pattern of brutality, blatantly and indiscriminately murdering civilians who are unfortunate enough to get in their way, that should be fine, according to the Bushies.

And, to make that lack of accountability official, Bush's State Department has granted the Blackwater thugs immunity from prosecution in its investigation of the September 16 round of killings.

According to an article by the Associated Press, "The immunity deal has delayed a criminal inquiry into the Sept. 16 killings and could undermine any effort to prosecute security contractors for their role in the incident that has infuriated the Iraqi government."

This is how Bush spreads "freedom" and "democracy" around the world.

I am disgusted. I am infuriated. And I am ashamed for my country.

>> Read more on this subject from the Associated Press.

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