12 December 2007

Is Nancy Pelosi complicit in torture?

This is really disgusting: It appears that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other Dem leaders had been briefed in the past about the Bush administration's use of waterboarding, rendition, and other crimes against humanity, but did not object. In fact, they may have actually encouraged it.

According to AlterNet,
"[S]ince 2002 leading Democrats [sic] lawmakers received 'about 30 private CIA briefings, some of which included descriptions of waterboarding, overseas rendition sites, and other harsh interrogation methods.' Officials present at some of the meetings, told the [Washington] Post that the reaction from legislators 'was not just approval, but encouragement.'"
If this is true, then things are even worse in Washington than I thought.

And it confirms the theory that the Democrats are merely "Republican light".

If this is true, then torture may be tolerated, and perhaps even encouraged, in the foreseeable future by our elected officials on both sides of the aisle, despite what they might tell us in public.

And, if this is true, then it doesn't matter how we voted in 2006, and (perish the thought) it might not matter how we vote in 2008.


This is what we, as a nation, have become.

God bless America. Or, as the other bumper sticker says: Who would Jesus torture?

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