24 January 2008

Illegal immigration is the #1 issue for California Republicans

According to a new Field poll, "The issue that the largest proportion of [California] GOP voters rates as being most important to them in deciding whom to support for president is illegal immigration (40%)."


As the poll results go on to tell us, "Next in order of importance among Republican's (sic) likely to vote on February 5th is the terrorist threat (37%), followed by the war in Iraq (33%) and jobs/the economy (33%)."

So, in a nutshell, Republicans in the Golden State are more fired up about undocumented Mexican immigrants than they are about terrorism, the Iraq war, or the failing economy -- even though people have been immigrating illegally from Mexico for centuries.

So illegal immigration is nothing new; but now, all of a sudden, it's the Number One issue.

Never mind the fact that our troops are in harm's way in Iraq, fighting a war based on lies and oil. Never mind that the economy is tanking. Those things don't matter to California Republicans as much as the perceived threat posed by that Hispanic-looking fellow you might see on the street.

I can't understand this.

Furthermore, I can't help but wonder how many respondents actually employ illegal immigrants as their housekeepers, gardeners, lettuce pickers, or factory workers.

The evidence would suggest that it's not just a few.


  1. I wouldn't be surprised if this spin isn't the work of this group: Freedom's Watch.

    BECAUSE. This makes no sense at all. Northern-half CA Republicans are now going overwhelmingly for Obama, according to on-the-ground reports. The Republicans have done nothing to ease the immigration problem of the growers in the farming Lake Country north of Marin, and the Repub owners are major bigtime pissed. B.I.G. T.I.M.E.

    Pickers Are Few, and Growers Blame Congress
    [The photo in the following article shows the distress.]

    Border Security, Job Market Leave Farms Short of Workers
    Growers Frustrated by Delay in Agriculture Legislation



    From a blog comment:
    One will note that Freedom’s Watch is financing anti-immigrant propaganda, mainly in regard to Mexico and Mexicans.

    That is the item that gives away its true purpose, which is both political and electoral.

    The goal is fairly obvious–to keep control of American foreign policy, whether Republicans or Democrats are in seeming control the executive branch.

    The impetus for the above is here:
    "Open Borders Threaten Jewish Clout "
    Jewish leaders later decried this when there was an uproar over this article, but the word was out, and the direction given.

  2. Also . . .

    A recent national poll put immigration at 5% or 6%; can't remember. Reported on MSNBC.
