26 February 2008

If we must have Ralph Nader, then we should have IRV

On Sunday, Ralph Nader announced that he's running for president again. This has a lot of Democrats worried. To tell you the truth, my heart sank when I heard the news. That is because of all the allegations that Nader stole votes from Gore in the 2000 election, leading to the very unfortunate Bush presidency.

The prospect of Nader stealing votes from this year's Democratic presidential candidate, and thereby giving the Republicans another four years in the White House, is too frightening for words.

So what can we do?

First, the idealistic answer: Instant Runoff Voting (IRV). I am no expert on this, but it seems like a good alternative to the current method which feeds the two-party system. IRV apparently eliminates the "spoiler" effect. Isn't this what we need?

But, currently, that's not how the system works in our national elections. So, for now, the best way to go is to not vote for Nader.

This is perhaps the most important election of my adult life. So many things hang in the balance. We desperately need to put a Democrat in the White House. Nader cannot win. He can only take votes away from the Democratic candidate. Please don't vote for Nader.

1 comment:

  1. Energy Independence Now!

    No more Oil Wars!

    Stop funding the terrorists!

    Drill in Anwar.

    Build more nuclear power plants

    Use More coal.

    Use more natural gas

    Turn trash into energy

    Double the efficiency of windmills and solar cells.

    If France can do nuclear power so can we.

    If Brazil can do biomass/ethanol power so can we.

    If Australia can do LNG power so can we.

    Domestically produced energy will end recession and spur the economy.
