23 March 2008

Christian Action League protests a policy against bullying gays at school

What would Jesus do? If Jesus saw a bunch of kids bullying a gay child at school, do you think Jesus would cheer the bullies on?

I don't think so.

But some of Jesus's self-proclaimed followers are standing up for the bullies.

In a recent article on the website of the Christian Action League (CAL), titled Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Approve Pro-Homosexual Anti-Bullying Policy, the organization criticized an anti-bullying policy passed by the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools in North Carolia that includes the categories of sexual orientation and gender identity/expression.

According to the CAL article:
This is nothing but the pro-homosexual agenda working to brainwash our kids, to have them believing that these odd behaviors should be billed as normal.
So what do they think is "normal"? Beating kids up because they don't meet someone's subjective standards of gender-based appearance or behavior?

It goes on:
"What the policy does is that it really ties the hands of anybody who might disagree (with the homosexual agenda)," [Lindalyn Kakadelis, director of the North Carolina Education Alliance] said.
Yes, it ties the hands of anyone who wants to punch out their gay classmate. But these so-called Christians seem to think that this hand-typing deplorable.

The article continues:
Further troubling is the policy's requirement that the superintendent "create trainings and other programs" to educate students about bullying, an easy way for CMS to roll out the red carpet to pro-gay groups.
Heavens, no! We can't teach tolerance in our classrooms! If we do, all our children will decide to be gay.

At least that's what these clowns seem to fear.

I feel bad for their children. How confusing it must be for the straight kids. And how unfair it is for the gay kids. This is the kind of social pressure that causes the Ted Haggards and the Larry Craigs to live out their true sexual identity in secret for as long as they can, and then crash and burn when the truth comes out as a scandal.

So what are these so-called Christians really so afraid of?

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