16 September 2009

Why is Obama pimping for Specter?

Yesterday, President Obama was here in Philadelphia for a fundraiser for Senator Arlen Specter.

Here is what I don't like about it:

Specter was a Republican for decades. He switched parties in April when he realized that he might have trouble winning the Republican primary next year. In other words, it was a selfish tactical move, not one from the heart.

And changing his party affiliation doesn't change Specter's record of support for some of George W. Bush's most egregious policies.

So why is Obama supporting Specter rather than Specter's rival for the Democratic primary, Joe Sestak? After all, Sestak's positions on the issues in general are much more in line with good Democratic values.

Or why is Obama supporting Specter rather than just remaining neutral on Pennsylvania's senatorial primary race?

I am not alone is suspecting that it has something to do with the theory that Obama needs Specter's support to pass health care reform.

And, if that's the case, then Obama is not only pimping for Specter -- he's whoring for him too.

And it verifies the notion that Congressional votes are bought and sold, not based on the will of the people or the conscience of the lawmaker.

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