21 April 2010

Thoughts on the latest birther stunt

Barack Obama has occupied the White House for 15 months now, but the "birthers" will not give up on their conspiracy theory that Obama is ineligible for the presidency because he was allegedly born in a foreign country.

And they've really gone overboard now. I read yesterday in the Huffington Post that the Arizona House passed a bill "that would require President Barack Obama to show his birth certificate if he hopes to be on the state's ballot when he runs for re-election."

The legislation isn't all about Obama. They were at least smart enough to dress it up as a general requirement for all U.S. presidential candidates who want to appear on the ballot in Arizona. But it's pretty obvious where this is coming from.

The whole "birther" thing is ridiculous because:

1. The birthers' claims were debunked long ago. Obama's birth certificate was obtained and verified. (Of course, I suspect that no document would be good enough to satisfy this crowd, no matter how official and valid.)

2. If there were really any question as to Obama's birthplace and citizenship, surely the Clintons would have jumped all over it in the run-up to the 2008 primary elections. I mean, duh.

It's time for the birthers to stop the nonsense and learn to accept the fact that there is a black guy legally occupying the White House.

But I don't think they really ever will.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Aww, it's too bad Arizona's "native son" John McCain isn't going to run again, because I'd love to see him try to prove his citizenship, what with him being born in Panama and all.
