04 May 2010

Fun with racist xenophobic cowards

The more controversial a topic I write about from my left-wing perspective, the more hate mail I get from the right.

A few days ago, the Philadelphia inquirer published a letter I had submitted in response to an editorial condemning Arizona's draconian new anti-immigration law.

My letter said this:
I agree with your editorial suggestion that "the person who looks the least like an illegal immigrant might actually be one" ("Arizona gets it wrong," Wednesday). But bigots don't like to let facts or logic get in the way of their xenophobia.

White immigrants weren't the reason a border fence between Arizona and Mexico was built. And white immigrants weren't the targets of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio's over-the-top crusades that led to a federal investigation of apparent civil rights violations. No, they just seem to want to crack down on brown people.

We have to ask ourselves where the hysteria is coming from. Is it really about illegal immigration, or is it about the fact that the Hispanic population in the United States is growing at a much faster rate than the European American population? Fear drives a lot of knee-jerk policies.
I allowed the Inquirer to publish my email address with the letter. And so, as expected, the hate mail has been pouring in from the right.

Below I present my favorite example (so far), along with my response. I don't usually respond to the hate mail I receive, but sometimes I cannot resist.

Xenophobe via email: "Your logic seems contrived. The brown immigrants are flowing in (sic) our country like a fierce river, while other white immigrants are trickling in like a leaky faucet. You need to grow a brain, or become more independent minded. My guess is the later (sic)."

My simple reply: "Thank you, sir, for proving my point."

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