01 October 2010

October 1 is World Vegetarian Day

Today, October 1, is World Vegetarian Day, the annual kick-off of Vegetarian Awareness Month.

I happen to be a vegetarian, and the benefits have been great. My grocery bill is much lower than it was when I bought meat, and I haven't had a sick day since 2002 (which was right about the time I gave up the fish and the occasional poultry and became a bona fide vegetarian).

It's also good for the environment. According to the Environmental Defense Fund, if every American ate one meat-free meal per week, the carbon dioxide savings would be the same as taking more than 5 million cars off our roads.

So, on this World Vegetarian Day, I encourage readers to go without meat for a day, and maybe adopt a routine of Meatless Mondays each week, if not more often.

It's easier than you think. In fact, a lot of people probably already eat meatless meals regularly without realizing it -- pasta with veggies, a veggie pizza, a hummus and veggie sandwich, PB&J, etc.

If you miss the meat, try the fake meats that are now available in most supermarkets. Morningstar, for example, makes a great line of frozen products.

After a while, you won't miss the meat. And Mother Earth will thank you.

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