25 April 2008

Gitmo is not a joke

Today, the new film Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay will be released nationwide.

The film follows a couple of stoners who are accidentally suspected of terrorism and shipped off to Guantanamo Bay.

But it's a comedy.

So apparently this movie is going to portray the Gitmo experience as something that's hilarious.

The problem is that Guantanamo is a very serious matter, and the premise of this movie -- this comedy -- is therefore offensive at best.

It's not that I don't have a sense of humor -- I certainly do. But making a comedy about prisoners at Guantanamo seems to me no different than, say, making a comedy about your grandmother getting raped.

Some things are just not a joking matter.

And the worst part is that there are probably many stoner types and other non-thinkers who will see this movie, will find it funny, and will laugh not only at the movie but now at the whole Gitmo situation as well.

Gitmo is not a joke, people.

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