16 April 2008

McCain's tax cut plans are fiscally irresponsible

McCain is once again campaigning hard on a tax-cut platform. It's a tried-and-true Republican strategy. Just point the fingers at the Democrats and tell the voters that the Dems are going to raise your taxes. Then promise the voters that you would instead cut taxes. The tactic might be especially appealing during an economic recession. Right around April 15.

So McCain's latest promises were right on queue.

But, at the same time, McCain envisions an ongoing occupation of Iraq -- for 100 years or more.

And this war is costing us $12 billion per month and increasing our national debt to grossly irresponsible levels.

If we remain in Iraq, but cut taxes, won't we just speed up the increase of our national debt?

Domestic programs like education are already grossly underfunded, and further cutbacks would only hurt ordinary Americans without making much of a dent in our current borrow-and-spend regime.

Yet some people still maintain the old belief that Republicans are the party of fiscal responsibility.

Go figure.

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