10 May 2008

New Fiore animation: The United States of Guilt-By-Association

The media and the right-wing pundits (which become more and more indistinguishable from each other) will net let go of the Reverend Wright "scandal". They keep telling us that it's a big problem for Barack Obama.

I would like to ask these pundits if they agree with each and every word that their own pastors say. If not, do you find another church? If so, do you have time for anything other than constant church-hopping?

And what about that friend of a friend of a militant radical from back in the day? How many degrees of separation must you have between yourself and anyone who happens to not be perfectly and boringly politically correct in order to qualify for the presidency?

In his latest animation, political cartoonist Mark Fiore explores this issue in his usual witty and insightful fashion, and I thought it well worth sharing. Check it out:
The United States of Guilt-By-Association

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