08 February 2009

Who are the real mavericks?

In years long past, Senator John McCain may have sometimes crossed party lines in Washington, perhaps most notably to sponsor the McCain-Feingold Act along with the very liberal Russ Feingold. But that was the old McCain. As he demonstrated in the run-up to the last election, McCain is now solidly ensconced in the Neocon camp.

And now, in the battle over President Obama's economic stimulus bill, McCain is again proving himself to be no maverick, just another Republican party hack.

McCain has reacted to the bill as expected, with finger pointing, criticism, and some grumbling about how its passage would mark "a very bad day for America." Nothing truly constructive.

On the other hand, there are some real mavericks on Capitol Hill these days. Republican Senators Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe of Maine, and my own Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania, have been working overtime to reach compromises that will allow them to support the stimulus plan and provide the necessary 60 votes to move it forward. I salute them for their strength and integrity in this matter.

McCain would do well to ask himself who the real mavericks are these days. And who is the real McCain?

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