31 August 2009

Bill Richardson: Off the hook, but screwed in the process

Well, it appears that New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson is now in the clear following a federal corruption investigation.

That's good. But it cost him so much.

I've always been fond of Gov. Richardson. Although he was an underdog in the last Democratic presidential primary race, with probably no real chance of winning against more popular figures like like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, I thought he would have made a fine president.

I also thought Richardson would make a fine vice president, but Joe Biden got that gig.

So then I thought Richardson, a true statesman, would make a fine secretary of state. But Hillary Clinton got that gig.

As a consolation prize, Obama nominated Richardson to be secretary of commerce. But, shortly thereafter, Richardson withdrew his nomination for that post because of the pending investigation.

And now the investigation has been dropped.

But Richardson was royally screwed in the process.

It doesn't seem fair.

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