21 August 2009

You know Beck's crossed the line when...

Apparently, right-wing talk show host Glenn Beck has finally crossed a line.

In the wake of Beck's recent assertions that President Obama is a racist who has a "deep-seated hatred for white people", several companies have pulled their ads from his show on Fox News.

First were Lawyers.com, Procter & Gamble, and Progressive Insurance.

Then GEICO joined them, followed by Men's Wearhouse and Sargento Cheese.

And then the floodgates opened. Allergan, GMAC, Best Buy, CVS, Travelocity, and other companies pulled their ads from Beck's show.


But among Beck's former sponsors is one big surprise: Wal-Mart, whose management style has always reflected Beck's worldview much more than mine, dropped the show as well!

And that is a sure sign that Beck has finally crossed a line. And rumors are flying that Beck's recent absence from the show was not a planned vacation.

Could this mean that the Fox News talking heads might finally be held accountable for some of the more hateful nonsense that they spew?

We can hope.

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