18 November 2010

Senate Republicans block Paycheck Fairness Act

Yesterday, Senate Republicans blocked the Paycheck Fairness Act from even coming to an up-or-down vote.

According to the National Organization for Women (NOW), "[t]he Paycheck Fairness Act would have closed loopholes in the Equal Pay Act of 1963 and strengthened it by creating incentives for employers to follow the law. Additionally, the [A]ct would have assisted women in negotiating for better pay and promotion, furthered skill trainings for girls and women, restarted key research on the wage gap and tracked businesses' compliance with the law. Critically important, the Act would have prohibited retaliation against employees when salary information is shared."

NOW continued: "Women are now half of the paid workforce, but as the recession continues, many women find that their family financial circumstances have changed. An unprecedented number of women are family breadwinners due to deeper unemployment rates among men -- making pay equity essential not simply to the economic security of families but also to the nation's economic recovery."

I wonder how those Senators will explain to their wives, sisters, and daughters that women don't deserve equal pay for equal work?

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