20 November 2006

"Fast Food Nation" - I dare you to eat a burger after seeing this

Over the weekend, I saw the new film Fast Food Nation, which is based on Eric Schlosser's book of the same name. Like the book, the movie presents a stomach-turning expose' of the fast food and meat packing industries.

Amnesty International is supporting this film, which brings important human rights issues to the big screen. According to Amnesty, "This powerful film sheds light on the hidden human rights violations that are an everyday reality for many undocumented immigrants in this country. As the film navigates through dangerous border crossings, to appalling worker conditions in slaughterhouses, it unveils a side of the U.S. that many people don't know or believe exists."

The film also made me very glad to be a vegetarian.

Fast Food Nation's star-studded cast includes Greg Kinnear, Bruce Willis, Patricia Arquette, Ethan Hawke, Kris Kristofferson, and Avril Lavigne.

Please see this movie before you eat your next hamburger.

1 comment:

  1. just watched Fast Food Nation, it's an impactful flick to say the least... earlier today i passed up a sausage mcmuffin because of it.
