15 December 2008

Bush goes to Iraq to celebrate his illegal pact

Over the weekend, George W. Bush made a suprise visit to Iraq. The purpose was to celebrate the recent passage of Bush's security pact with Iraq, called the Strategic Framework Agreement and the Status of Forces Agreement.

But maybe he should take a step back.

Maybe that security agreement is unconstitutional.

So argues a resolution introduced in the House last week by Rep. Barbara Lee.

The resolution cites many good reasons why Bush's agreement with Iraq is unconstitutional.

The main reason revolves around the Founding Fathers' intent that the Constitution affords Congress the power to make rules governing our military forces and that the President cannot make such far-reaching agreements without the approval of Congress.

Rep. Lee's bill will likely be reintroduced in January. Chances are good (fingers crossed) that it will pass.

At that point, Congress will not be bound by the terms of Bush's agreement with Iraq.

Neither should Obama.

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