04 December 2008

No time for complacency

Now that Barack Obama has won the presidential election, readers have been e-mailing me asking if I am going to take a break from my writing.

The short answer: No.

The long answer: Read on.

While I may have been focusing more on the election than just about any other issue over the past several months, my work is not limited to U.S. politics. During the campaign season, this nation was at a very important crossroads, one that dominated my thoughts and my writing. Now that the election is behind us, I will get back to covering a broader range of topics related to human rights, social justice, and politics in general.

Obama will be president, but the world is not going to instantly become a human rights utopia.

So I will continue to speak out against the injustices that still take place daily around the world.

And I will hold Barack Obama accountable for keeping his promises to close Guantanamo, end torture by U.S. agents, and address global warming by taking the lead in worldwide pollution control and growing a green economy.

And more.

Now is not the time to back down.

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