15 December 2010

Jobs, taxes, and the meaning of insanity

Despite opposition from some progressive members of Congress, an article in The Hill suggests that Obama's tax cut "compromise" seems poised for final passage.

Too many people in Washington are drunk on Ronald Reagan's trickle-down Kool-Aid. They keep preaching that extending the tax breaks for the wealthy will help produce jobs for unemployed Americans. But how can anyone believe that? After all, these are George W. Bush's tax cuts, and we lost millions of jobs since those cuts were introduced - not to mention the adverse effect on the deficit.

But this time it's going to work, we're told. This time the money will trickle down.

Albert Einstein said, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

So what does that say about the people in Washington? (And that means you, too, Mr. President.)

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