02 October 2005

Another Republican in hot water

Tom DeLay is not the only Republican leader to find himself at the center of an investigation these days.

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN) is under scrutiny by the SEC for a suspiciously timed stock sale. [Read story.]

Frist's case is not unlike the case that sent Martha Stewart to the slammer. Will Frist soon be heading off to his own Camp Cupcake? Or will his political connections play to his advantage? After all, Martha was just an independent, powerful busineswoman whom many in the patriarchal Republican party felt needed to be put "in her place".

The SEC says that politics will not play into its investigation. [Read more.] But is that their choice to make?

In any event, this will be interesting to watch.

Remember, folks: These are the guys who won the last two elections by talking so much about moral values.

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