08 February 2006

Wounded soldier billed for damaged body armor

How much lower can they sink?

A U.S. soldier who was wounded in Iraq was forced to pay the government $700 for body armor that was destroyed as a result of his injuries.

From the Associated Press via NBC5 in Chicago:
A former U.S. soldier injured in Iraq said he was forced to pay $700 for a blood-soaked Kevlar vest that was destroyed.

Medics in January of 2005 removed the vest to treat the 25-year-old soldier for critical shrapnel wounds to his right arm.

First Lt. Eddie Rebrook IV of Charleston, W.Va., had to leave the Army because of his injuries.

Rebrook said before his discharge last week, he had to scrounge up cash from his buddies to pay for the body armor.
[Read more.]

And Bush keeps telling us how much he supports the troops.

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