09 July 2005

New York Times: Bisexuals are lying

The "liberal media" are at it again. Earlier this week, the New York Times ran an article in the Science section about a study that purportedly "casts doubt on whether true bisexuality exists, at least in men." This will certainly come as a surprise to all those people I've known through the years who have been clearly and demonstrably bisexual.

Even worse than the frivolous claim is the fact that the New York Times, the so-called "newspaper of record", published this report which was based on scant evidence and an unacceptably small sample group. In other words, it doesn't fit the criteria for a credible scientific study.

[Read story.]

Personally, I believe that sexual orientation is not a black-and-white, either/or kind of thing. I think that one's sexual orientation lies along a broad continuum, with the rare "totally straight" orientation at one end and the equally rare "totally gay/lesbian" orientation at the other end. Most of us lie somewhere in between, but are culturally conditioned to suppress and deny any feelings of same-sex attraction.

Those who do practice their bisexuality should not be discredited as liars. Rather, they should be commended for being strong enough to openly acknowledge what most of us have long since suppressed.

And those who are so homophobic as to jump onto the bisexuals-are-lying bandwagon should all go immediately to the nearest video store, rent a copy of the 1999 film "American Beauty" and pay particular attention to the father who lives next door.

Bigotry and discrimination are almost always rooted in fear and denial.

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