01 June 2006


According to a recent piece by Jared Bernstein at TomPaine.com, American politics boils down to the "you're-on-your-own" (YOYO) camp vs. the "we're in this together" (WITT) camp.

That is probably an over-simplification, but it's a valid one nonetheless.

Acronymic doubles-entendres aside, Bernstein does a good job of summarizing the dichotomy, the YOYO conservative state of denial, and why it's time for the WITTs -- i.e., a charged-up and well-messaged Democratic party -- to take over. [Read it.]

Is it not ironic that the YOYO Republicans keep touting themselves as Christians, even though the selfless and compassionate Jesus was clearly a WITT?

And do we have a strong enough leader to push the WITT movement forward?

Ultimately, a society is like a chain: only as strong as its weakest link.

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