19 August 2005

How low can they go?!

This is beyond ridiculous.

Bush's sheep seem to have no souls, no conscience. They have no empathy. After all, their own kids are safe and spoiled.

Cindy Sheehan asks George W. for a brief meeting, so that she learn from him exactly what was this "noble cause" that her son Casey died for. But Bush can't take five minutes out of his five-week vacation to meet with her. Give me a break. What the hell is Mr. "Bring 'em On" Tough Guy afraid of?

And the conservative media pundits jump to their president's aid by launching a smear campaign against this grief-stricken, soft-spoken middle-aged woman with a heart of gold who sacrificed her son to Bush's oily agenda and wants some closure.

Families like the Sheehans have to deal with watching their loved ones go off to Iraq. Some come home whole, some with missing limbs, and some in flag-draped coffins that we're not allowed to see.

While those kids are off in Iraq experiencing horrors that we can't begin to imagine, Jenna Bush spends her time comfortably pounding down Bud Lites at happy hour.

But Cindy Sheehan is the parent to be criticized.

This shows us how desperate and insecure the pro-war factions are. They are reduced to attacking a grieving mother because they have nothing else to stand on. How sick and pathetic!

And now I suspect that it's going to get even worse.

Yesterday, Cindy left Crawford to tend to her 74-year-old mother, who had become ill. [Read story.]

How long will it take FOX News and those types to tell us that Cindy's political involvement is what caused her mother to have a stroke?

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