29 August 2005

States crack down on reproductive rights

From the Washington Post:
This year's state legislative season draws to a close having produced a near-record number of laws imposing new restrictions on a woman's access to abortion or contraception.
[Read more.]

Way to go, guys.

This isn't just about abortion, folks -- this is about contraception. This is about a woman's right to sovereignty over her own body. And this is about rolling back women's rights to, say, 1952. We're all supposed to be Donna Reed. We're all supposed to be barefoot and pregnant and pretty and aproned and "yes, dear, here are your slippers."

By limiting a woman's right to terminate or even prevent a pregnancy, we're inviting -- no, we're forcing -- countless unplanned and unwanted babies into this world.

Speaking from my own experience as the product of one of those unplanned and unwanted pregnancies of the 1950s, you all might want to think twice about this.

Will you governors and legislators provide good homes for all of these surprise babies?

Will you ensure that they all have adequate food, clothing, shelter, education, and cell phone minutes, just as you would for the children you might bring into this world by your own biological means?

Will you ensure that they will all find families who will treat them with the love and dignity that every child deserves, and not just auction them off to any couple who holds up a religious banner but really just "needs" a kid for selfish or egotistical reasons for which the child will ultimately suffer?

Will you do that?

Pro-life has to be more than just pro-birth.

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